ALTA PASA FASTPITCH | CAL THUNDER | 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Corporation| EIN: 83-4102547
Donations Can Be Made Via:

Venmo: @altapasafp
Check made out to: Alta Pasa Fastpitch Inc
ALTA PASA FASTPITCH is an independent sports organization playing under the California Thunder banner. We provide athletic skills training to youth under the age of 18. Our teams are dedicated to practices, skills clinics, strength training, national/international competition, and academic achievement.
ALTA PASA FASTPITCH provides participants with college exposure through tournaments, recruiting camps, evaluations, and direct contact with college programs to increase their probability of both academic and athletic scholarships. The program also provides the community and local recreational youth leagues with training, equipment, donations mentorship, support and opportunities for the disadvantaged.
THE COSTS for facility use, instructors, training, equipment, travel, lodging, tournaments, showcases, college camps, and community involvement & support are extremely high. There are also other recurring and miscellaneous expenses required to maintain a positive, developmental, and learning environment for the youth.
Your donation of funds or equipment is tax deductible and will support the needs of today’s youth. Anything you contribute would be greatly appreciated by all participants and volunteers.
Make Checks Payable To: Alta Pasa Fastpitch | Venmo: @Altapasafp
P.O. Box 40462
Pasadena, CA. 91114
When submitting your donation, please reference: your name/Company name, address, phone#, email, and if you are donating on the behalf a particular participant.
PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD to anyone in your network of friends, associates, and business owners who may be considering sponsorship of a non-profit youth organization.